Sunday, December 13, 2020

Conversation with a Virus

Writers think in words. If I verbalize the nonverbal communication I have with the cats, why not the nonverbal communication between my antibodies and a virus over the weekend? Why not a Deeply Silly Poem? I did not actually write this poem during a fever dream. The dreams I had while sweating out the head cold were even more inane.

"Halt! Whence come you
and whither are you bound?" 

"My name is Rhinovirus
and I'm only just testing 
the human immune system.
Just doing my job."

"Not good enough, Virus.
You are in the way here.
For the second time:
where did you come from?"

"Ouch! Please...I came from
some stupid women in a store
swarming up close to each other,
crossing your personal space.
I got lost, actually.
I was aiming for one of them.
I really was. 
I can only float, not fly.
I made it this far
before you rushed away
and thought I might as well try...
and these are my 4257 babies."

"Not good enough, Virus. 
You are not wanted here."

"Oh! Mercy...I know.
Nobody likes a virus
nobody wants a cold
nobody has a Rhinovirus for a friend.
But you need to know
when your defenses are
slipping down below par."

"Not good enough, Virus.
Your mission is accomplished
and you are going to die."

"Ayyy! I beg...It's always
a suicide mission for us isn't it?
Could I interest you in making
one little trip into town, 
one grocery run, one library visit,
one little call on an old friend?"

"Forget about it, Virus.
Before you die, have you
anything to leave behind?"

"Yes! Yes! Like a nightmare
I have to leave a gift behind
because you remembered to ask me.
Here! Take back 
the use of your left ear
along with the usual energy surge,
because you resisted my urging
to pass me on to 
some other body." 

"Whoa! What is this that now I hear,
A full range of sound through that half-blocked ear.
You have been good virus,
as virus go, just doing your job
so now I'll kill you quickly.
What a loud, loud, loud, loud world it is."

" "

"Being Highly Sensory-Perceptive,
I've got by pretty well with the hearing loss
on one side, even though it's the one
next to the driver when I'm in a car.
I've known it's the kind of partial deafness
that can be cured, but not really tried
because I always used to hear too much.
Little stapedius muscle no one ever sees
or touches, can you readjust your cramp
to let in just a few more sounds, not all of them?
I'm sure you can if you'll try."

" "

"I guess that's the last we'll hear from
any of those silly little virus."

"Hey! Hey! You never caught me!
I'm here, out on this tissue in the trash bag! 
I am Rhinovirus! Hear me roar!
I'll rejoin my numbers too big to ignore
and then, oh then, we'll leave you behind
and find some old, sick, tired body
or maybe a young and stupid one, 
sweet, juicy, and more tired than it knows
from staying out too late, and drunk or stoned
and reckless about what it eats,
and then we'll overrun its bright red blood
and have our bacchanalia in its lungs
until there are enough of us to take
the heart and KILL that wretched son or daughter of..."

"Virus? Meet fire."

" "
" "
" "

Gentle Readers, y'know those people who are vulnerable enough to be dying from coronavirus, the uncommon chest cold? They are even more vulnerable to rhinovirus, the common head cold. Mean little something-or-others, rhinovirus are. Maintain a healthy distance, avoid spreading them, and let them die of frustration. They deserve that.


  1. interesting read, enjoyed it!
    viruses on suicide missions! yes, if we don't allow them to spread.
    the common cold has been around for so long that people tend to forget about them. but they can be just as deadly.

  2. First, thanks so much for those final words. Those of us who live who a compromised immune system can't say it enough. Too many people just don't understand how dangerous any kind of viral and even bacterial infection is to us. Maybe one day they will figure it out. One can hope that they don't have to learn this lesson the hard way.

    Now to the poem, I just LOVE it! I laughed all the way through. The tone made me think of one of my favorite movies (Osmosis Jones) and Cells at Work! (at TV show adapted from a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu). I always find it fascinating to imagine how our bodies communicate to all the things happening inside us. This was a wonderful glimpse. Thanks for sharing it wit us.
