Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Shadowban This

Here's what I just tweeted that I expect will start the left-wingnuts hitting the flag button to activate the automatic shadowbans on Twitter: 

@StevenWisdom13 (who had already tweeted "If you don't want to help people who have lost jobs..."): "People will feel better about resuming normal activity once a virus is administered to a sizable % of the population." 

(I assume he meant a vaccine. Virus self-administer, and coronavirus has already administered itself to a sizable percent of the population.)

@5PriscillaKing: "I DO want to help those who've lost their jobs, but in this case,

1. Herd immunity to #coronavirus will probably precede effective vaccine. It'd be nice if safe effective vaccine is developed, but virus mutation & herd thinning are likely to happen first.

And 2. I want to help ppl who lost jobs thru no fault of their own. I've been there. Frugality helps. Gigs help. Cutting red tape *really* helps. Handouts are inadequate, have strings attached, & are unsustainable at existing national levels.

It's always nice when the well-off choose to emulate Mansa Musa ("Here, have this gold, Sir") but, historically, even that sometimes did more harm than good. Trust me as a low-income person, a writer: we want wages not handouts.

We may have low incomes but we still prefer to be seen as human beings of WORTH rather than bundles of "needs." If leftists are going to pull the shadowban string on me, let'em do it on that."
1. Herd immunity to #coronavirus will probably precede effective vaccine. It'd be nice if safe effective vaccine is developed, but virus mutation & herd thinning are likely to happen first. If you don't want to help people who lost their jobs through no fault of your own, then I don't know what else I can tell you.



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