Thursday, August 25, 2022

I Am Not in Florida

In this post we look ahead to the ideas that will be blathered about endlessly, without causing much if any immediate change, in the next election. This list comes from Ron DeSantis, also known to conservative web sites as "Yay Ron," who is running for reelection as governor in Florida. The position of this web site is that Governor DeSantis deserves the honor of throwing this proverbial ball onto the field, where the other politicians may swing at it.

You're asked to rank the following issues accoridng to how important they are to you.

Politicians love short, memorable phrases that can be used to refer to any number of things. You are invited to use the comment section below to specify what your picks mean to you. For example, "protecting the environment" is a high priority for me, and it's important that we define "protecting the environment" as "banning all outdoor spraying of substances the sprayer is not willing to drink, establsihing that 'fracking' and strip mining are not even subject to further debate in Virginia, and working on positive measurable steps to reacclimate Americans to the idea of walking to work, school, shopping, etc.," not as "paying somebody's useless relative to measure the levels of specific motor vehicle emissions in the air along different highways." (Don't get me wrong, PIRGers. I think measuring the levels of emissions in the air along highways that are and are not lined with various trees is a nice project; I just think motor vehicle manufacturers or academic scientists ought to pay for it/)

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