Friday, March 24, 2023

Bad Poetry: Darkness and Light

"I love light!" exclaims
one of Catherine Marshall's characters.
"I hate the darkness."
Sometimes people seem to guess
how their stories are going to end.

But I was born on the cusp of sun signs
and for years I lived in Maryland
so I have been accused, not without reason,
of habitually sitting on every available fence.

The electronics set up on the screen porch
exude a chilly moonlike glow
that obviates all need for an overhead light.
I work at night.
Sometimes I nod or nap.
I can watch the road from here
more efficiently than from my bedroom
though I spend parts of some nights there too.
The trespasser I have been watching for
can't be sure whether I'm here or there,
asleep or awake.
It all looks the same from the road.

I enjoy this
until I realize:
he's not just sitting in his truck 
hoping I've gone to sleep if the computer has.
It's someone else's property being damaged now.

There is a larger application 
of a principle, of which this is an illustration,
for those who really want one.


  1. This is a delightful read in many ways – and then suddenly not so much, with the dark truth in the end. Well done (in various ways)!
    And now I am curious to know: the cusp of WHICH signs?

    1. Nothing suggested by any online "birthdates" (brands don't really have birthdates)...

  2. That chilly moonlight glow, the light, probably offers much protection. :)

    1. So long as he's motivated to avoid detection and annoy someone else, yes.

      COVID was even better...I sort of hope his guilt keeps it coming back forever.

  3. A chilling read, beautifully executed. Cheers.

  4. Oh wow.. I love the way this poem is crafted...excellent read.

  5. Sometimes things hit us slowly and we understand, there is an eerie quality to the poem . Well done

  6. Its so eerie. I hope the trespassers mend their ways. The mesh of light and darkness inside and outside house is brought forth so brilliantly.

    1. And within the human psyche...

      My neighborhood has had a nuisance for 30 years now. I've pinned it to a cousin who inherited land elsewhere, ruined it, and has made it a goal to acquire our land for non-Green use.

      He was considered one of the main brains at our school (I started about the time he left). His sneaking, mostly petty but sometimes very harmful, trespass and vandalism *does* take a kind of twisted talent. And the trust of two extended families of well-meaning people who wanted to like, trust, and be proud of this shabby excuse for a man.

  7. Definitely approaching thriller territory with that guy creeping about and up to no good. It's no comfort at all to know someone else might be his prey.

    1. Not really...I care about them too. Thank you for commenting.
