Monday, January 23, 2023

Waters of the United States

It's Agenda 21, crawled out of the crypt. The fact that it was resoundingly defeated ten years ago is no obstacle to the Illiberal Left's plan to force it on the people of these United States anyway.

Y'know, some of these ideas were actually not bad ideas until the Illiberal Left stepped on them. What kind of farmer wants to dump raw manure into water other people may have to drink? (Well, my Professional Bad Neighbor thought he did, a few years ago, but that was obvious enough that the real men in the family explained it to him right away.) Either you bury manure deep, or you burn it down to sanitary peaty stuff.  If this is a problem, you might have too many animals in one place, which isn't healthy even for the animals, and you might want to become a smaller operation. 

But let the "Dictocrats" deal with the issue in the way they do, and we can be sure "farmers" will crawl out from under every rock squawking that their great-grandparents always let the hogs wallow in the old town reservoir and they're positive that that had nothing to do with the typhoid, tuberculosis, tetanus, polio, and intestinal worms epidemics their town had in their grandparents' time, and antibiotics take care of that sort of thing, now, anyway, don't they? 

I oppose this kind of thing, too, on principle, just because it's coming out of that scumbags' convention going on in Davos where the unholy alliance of fascism and feudalism is trying to crawl out of its tomb. Because we can be sure that, whatever the language of the WOTUS legislation may say, it will actually mean "Big international companies will continue dumping manure and diseased carcasses into the reservoir, but at least the world will be spared from the real threat to the world's ecological balance presented by your children keeping pet chickens in the back yard." 

Anyway, from Congressman Griffith's E-Newsletter: 



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