Sunday, September 24, 2023

Bad Poetry: Losing Track of Time

I just had to play with that flamenca form...This is actually Friday's post. It's late because I call it Bad Poetry but I kept trying to make it a little less bad. 

Jack's favorite way, he
Says, is Amazon Prime--
Losing track of time--
Jill likes to curl up with
A cizy tale of crime.

In first grade, Jack always
Seemed to lose his lunch dime--
Losing track of time--
In high school, Jill left keys
She had dropped in the grime.

Only since they passed the'
Ripe age of sixty-nine--
Losing track of time
Brings Alzheimer's Disease
To the front of their mind. 


  1. You obviously had great fun with it! And I had fun reading.

  2. It sounds like Dick and Jane as seniors!

  3. I hereby proclaim you "aced" both challenges. Time and Flamenca!!

  4. That's certainly looking at the funny side of life - and I totally agree with Amazon being a great time waster - and all for free, as long as you don't click the 'buy now' button. :-)

  5. Many thanks to all who read and commented. What makes this poem so bad is that it was meant to be a wry, but serious, look at the self-fulfilling fears some baby-boomers show. This couple have always been a bit spacey but the minute they reach a certain age they imagine that their lifelong absentmindedness is now a sign of senility. Obviously that was not a point that can be made, at least not by me, in a short poem. Sigh. But I'm glad people smiled.

  6. A lot of baby boomers have always been spacey since the 60s...I'm with Jill...curling up and cosy will do me:)...Rall

  7. Who doesn't like a good crime mystery. And interesting to think we might have been forgetful all along. :)

  8. Flamenca seems a lovely form and yeah how people bring different reasons to blame but who can say....
    Worth thinking about
