Friday, September 15, 2023

Remembering Inky, the Intentionally Dumped Kitten

This week's Poets & Storytellers United poetry prompt was just too easy. Regular readers may remember that, after running over a particularly beloved cat called Ivy, a neighbor who didn't dare to look me in the eye and tell me what person had done, instead, sneaked up late at night and dumped out a kitten. A late-summer kitten. Would my spring kitten be jealous and chase it away? Hah. My spring kitten Sisawat was delighted to have someone younger than she was around the house. She adopted the younger kitten. It was a bouncy-pouncy, roly-poly, friendly and ingratiating little black Manx. It had the cat sniffles; for the first few days its eyes looked winky-blinky. So I called it Inky.

dense fur black as ink
little storm of energy
easy cat to love

The position of this web site remains that animals should never be abandoned, even and especially at a Cat or Dog Sanctuary, without fair warning to the humans responsible for feeding them.  


  1. Well, I've had many animals and can't imagine a life without them. My dog is sitting ON my bed pillow right now looking at me as I type and I'm thinking... lucky I love him. Inky is very lucky :)

    1. Indeed she was! Even when I'm able to find a place for an unexpected animal, it's rare for other animals to adopt it too.

  2. Nice Haiky and oh what a pleasure. Although we usually adopt older cats. We did have kittens or better 2 nests at the same time. Two sister school cats were pregnant at the same time. They each had a basket with their kittens. One needed to go out regularly and dumped her kittens in her sisters basket. When she came home she picked hers up again and put them in her own basket.
    Love the names of your kittens

    1. So you, too, were blessed with social cats who share some of the "mothering"! Thank you for sharing that story!

  3. Luck and black cats go well together! LOL :-)

    1. LOL...some say black cats bring good luck and orange cats bad, some say three-colored cats bring good luck and black cats bad. I've found black cats to bring good luck to those who love them.

  4. Ha ha, this prompt was pretty much made for you and this kitten, wasn't it? I love your haiku.

  5. Your senryu matched out daughter's Russian Blue and he returns the love he is getting. I got my cat from a box that a young lad was tending outside the grocery store. Best cat we ever had but not adaptable to inside. She soon became an outdoor cat but hung around our house all the time. She is buried in the flower bed beside the garage. RIP Farah!!

    1. Yes, unwanted kittens who've been spared the shelter experience can be wonderful pets. Our Founding Queen cat was thrust upon a friend in the shopping district ("If you don't take her our parents will put her in a shelter"). Best "bargain" ever found in that town!

  6. He or she sounds lovely. You are both lucky to have "found" each other.

    1. She was a darling--and still is; she's grown old with someone else.

  7. That's sweet! I have two cats, both just showed up and moved in.

  8. Inky and this prompt was just made for you hahaha

    1. The prompt, yes. Inky was such a friendly little thing, I've wondered if she missed her calling to be a Visiting Therapy Cat... but she seems to have had a good life.
