Thursday, September 7, 2023

Web Log for 9.6.23

A lot of me, but also links:

Official Announcement 

Some person has been pasting my e-mail address into the "Name" field when sending out disgusting e-mails full of obvious falsehoods ("this can make people live effectively forever'). I have nothing to do with this but, if the police in Singapore catch the offenders and want some help caning them, I'll fly out and swing canes until my arms are tired. Get lives already, y'stupid trolls! 

Due to the improbability of anyone's not recognizing spam like what I've seen as spam, I don't expect they'll receive any replies, but it's likely that their using my e-mail address means they may attempt to read my e-mail. If you send e-mail and don't get a reply, this may be the reason.

Official Notice 

Right. Wordpress bloggers: I know there are reasons why people like Wordpress, although it Does Not Play Well With Others. It has much to offer and would be a great blog host if it only ruled the world! I know some blogs depend on views and comments for sponsorship, and at least one blog I follow actually raises money for good causes on a pay-per-comment system. I also know that Wordpress takes a hamfisted approach to following its users through cyberspace. You get a Wordmess account, as it might be through writing for a client site such as Blogjob, and then you're stuck with it and Weirdpress tries to force you to stay logged into it at all times, which is a good way  to compromise your other accounts, and if the client site dies, as Blogjob did, then you're stuck with a non-working account. There may be some way to fix this but, if it involves staying logged into Wordmess at all times, I'm not interested. 

And lately several Wordpress blogs have downgraded to a really hostile comment system. The bloggers are actively soliciting comments, but Wordpress won't accept comments without tapping into either a Weirdpress account or a F******k account. At least one person who participates in today's Long and Short Reviews link-up, for instance, is dutifully leaving comments on other people's blogs and not getting any on per own blog...because of Wordmess, not because person is one of those bloggers who think their words are perfect and don't want anyone else's words cluttering up their pages of pure ego.

There is a solution, Wordpress bloggers. I can't guarantee that it will work, since we all know that there are about fifty different incompatible versions of Wordmess and they don't even interface all that well with one another, but you can get Disqus for Wordpress. So now it's official. If you want comments on your Wordmess blog, GET DISQUS.

Disqus is free to use (there's a paid subscription tier that lets you do more, as with Wordpress) but there's another alternative that's even cheaper: Allow "anonymous" comments, and take responsibility for doing your own troll-patrol. Unpleasant as it is to read the comments on a post and find random search terms surrounding a spammy-looking link, it's even more unpleasant to want to comment on a post and come to this kind of hosting hostility:


The second poem is the anti-drug message to which I'm linking.

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