Monday, February 27, 2023

Ideas This Web Site Classifies as Loony Left: Part 3 of 5

(This post is the part of a series, links to which appear on the right side of the web page, in which we clarify the differences between what we mean by "Left" as distinct from "Loony Left" and "Right" as distinct from "Rabid Right." The Loony Left...)

* Want to let the United Nations rule the world. Do not recognize that the reason that that's what cartoon villains always wanted is that, in order to want to try to rule the world, you have to be thinking like a cartoon villain. 

* Imagine that if socialist government is only fine-tuned in some way or other, rather than leading to a succession of violent takeovers and perpetual chaos until the human population reaches "Golden Age" levels," socialist government might lead to blissful voluntary communism, making the whole world like one big well-run monastery. And every manure pile contains a pony, too.

* Seriously believe mothers (rather than schools) cause emotional problems; think they'd like to live in a world where babies are produced in factories and nobody gives birth, gives milk, or gives full-time attention to the very young. (In their dreams body parts are equally distributed among all people and, because one kind was clearly privileged when socialist theory was laid down as law, nobody has to be a full-time female any more. That's why they're so much more concerned about protecting the emotional sensitivities of "trans folk" than about protecting children from molestation.)

* Want to shut down discourse by quibbling about whether everything anyone says "fairly" represents everyone. In the name of protecting the "feelings" of women and minorities they thus avoid listening to real women and minorities, whose opinions tend to be reality-based rather than politically correct.

* Want censorship. 

* Want to shut down all private enterprise by regulating all productive work to death. Claim to be advocating for poor people while actively working against what poor people most want--opportunities for productive self-employment that stop them being poor.

* Want all food to be mass-produced on centrally planned and regulated factory farms. Ignore the fact that chemicals currently used on thet kind of farms may cause brain damage, which is probably necessary to allow people to cling to this idea.

* Seriously believe that women and minorities would be "happier" if we'd shut up and let rich White men, some of whom feel effeminate, do the thinking for us. 

* Want a big central government to own all the land. Make noise about protecting the "rights" of bears, coyotes, and rattlesnakes, in order to discourage farming so that, after clearing those tiresome little hill farms out of the way, big government can strip-mine the land.

* May seriously believe we'll find another planet we can inhabit, in another solar system, when we've made this one unlivable.

* Don't publicize the fact, but actually like war and want to institute a political system based on endless violent takeovers. Marxist "dialectics" actually mean each totalitarian socialist regime will be violently overthrown until human population is sparse enough that people could, assuming communism were still preached to them as an ideal, live in voluntary communism. 

* Don't understand that other people want to be, and be recognized as, adults since Loony Leftists, themselves, want to be little boys in power. (Power consisting of bossing and bullying, shared or transferred by fighting. Sophisticated though his verbal skills became, Karl Marx's mental age always remained about three.)

* Tend to be aggressive atheists because they hate to be reminded that there is a Higher Power than themselves.

* Tend to come from, and have, broken homes; want to believe that serial divorces and remarriages are normal and having all babies reared in government-run creches would be the ideal.

* Prone to magical thinking about their ability, as little boys in power, to solve everyone's problems--if necessary, just by screaming that the problems have been fixed.

Even if they're women, Loony Lefties think and tend to talk like three-year-old boys.

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