From close observation of Serena-cat's nonverbal communication, a senryu:
Human still chews veg.
I gulped meat; now I'm stuffed.
Is this fair? Is this right?
Deep down, I expect, she is feeling gratitude for e-friends' prayers while she was very ill, and for the return of her energy and appetite, and for the longer days and milder weather. How not?
I'm not so sure that Serena has any idea how the Petfinder photo contest feature works. The idea is that some of the homeless cats and dogs in this world look so adorable that some of the humans who see their pictures will want to offer them homes. There are of course a few additional steps in between the thought "Yes, I'd like to see that furry face around the house" and the actual adoption, but you never know how many people may be able to share a photo with a person who needs to see it. These photos are here for sharing. Readers can also go to, choose their own winning photos, and share those.
I think Serena's predecessor, Heather, had some sort of idea of what I was doing. Probably it was like "Looking at pictures of other cats on the computer helps my human hold still and provide a good place for me to take a nap, and, by staying near her and purring, I remind her not to bring them here." Serena's understanding, I suspect, is still at the "How do I distract my human from paying attention to inanimate objects like the Lap Pooper and get her up off that bench playing a good, fast, rough game with me?" stage--which is much, much better than it was during her first contribution to a Petfinder Post, when the vibration she was sending up into the air was more like "So're not looking for a replacement for me are you?...but I'm too tired to care..."
Anyway, here are six of the cutest photos of animals looking for homes in the Eastern States this week. Three cats, three dogs: this week's theme is black animals, because photographing them well is a challenge that deserves encouragement.
Zipcode 10101: Sticky from NYC
Her web page:
Sticky was rescued from a bucket of tar. She's a survivor who seems to be doing well. She's not known to be a social cat, but at the shelter she likes to play and snuggle with other cats. Of course, she's still a kitten. Anyway she needs a home with at least one other cat in it. If you don't already live with a cat, the shelter will recommend one. All kittens play with other kittens. Whether Sticky will form a pair bond with a mate (although she's already spayed), hunt as part of a team, or share the care of young kittens with another cat, remains to be seen.
Zipcode 20202: Precious from DC
Her web page:
Despite her kittenish look, Precious is actually a senior cat. As a guess, she might have a wide range of different "meows" she will teach you as her words for different things, might like to purr and snuggle (more than most cats do), and might bond with you (more intensely than most cats do) once she decides she likes you. Siamese-American crossbreeds tend to be clever and affectionate pets.
Zipcode 30303: Zephyr from Atlanta
Her web page:
Zephyr is the one looking at the camera. The other one is Torticia. These two young cats were part of a litter of feral kittens someone thought needed adoption. In the shelter their favorite thing, apart from playing with each other, is looking out the window. They're wary about humans and this whole business of living in human houses, but friendly if they're not pushed too hard. Keeping them together may help, as will leaving them pretty much alone and waiting for them to come to you.
Zipcode 10101: Lucien from NYC
His web page:
That photo was taken last summer when Lucien was just a baby. He has probably grown into his ears by now, but with Boston Terrier and Chihuahua ancestors he's not expected ever to weigh more than twenty pounds.
Unfortunately his web page is loaded with potential red flags. "Rescued from a neglectful hoarder-breeder situation"? Does that mean people complained about a filthy back yard full of starved dogs, or that a busybody objected to someone letting their dogs lead natural rural lives? The shelter refuses to tell you where he really is. They wnat to know all about you and then they'll deliver him--maybe. This web site does not recommend putting accurate identity and contact information for any living person on the Internet. This web site does not guarantee that you'll be able to talk sense into the heads of the shelter staff; they may actually be the scam that "Just give us everything we need to set up accounts in your name and then we'll tell you if we have an actual dog to sell you" suggests. Or they may just be young people, F******k Fools who've not learned to think for themselves yet, who think they can find good homes for shelter animals by using methods that just scream "Here is a scam!" I would want to know where the dog is, go out there to meet him, and double-check his story with local people before disclosing any personal information. If that sounds like too much work, you can always navigate back to Petfinder's main page for adoptable dogs and find a dog in a more normal shelter or foster situation.
Zipcode 20202: Duke from Texas by way of DC
His web page:
Red flags here, too, but not quite so many of them. The story sounds more like a typical shelter story than like a scam. The puppy was put in a high-kill shelter in Texas. Because he's cute and clever, with ancestors from two very adoptable breeds (Border Collie and retriever), he was "fostered" by someone who can't afford to keep him. Now he's being advertised everywhere. Duke has run up a vet bill, being neutered and vaccinated and all. If the foster humans really want to see Washington in cherry blossom season, having him delivered to your door will cost $500. If you'd rather take a long road trip and meet him first, the adoption fee may be lower, although adding travel expenses...Anyway, here is a young dog with excellent potential, big enough to walk at a human's pace, not too big to handle, guaranteed easy to love. They don't want to risk placing him in a house with cats.
Zipcode 30303: Malakai from Houston by way of Atlanta
His web page:
Barely old enough to eat solid food when his photo was taken, Malakai was another unwanted puppy dumped out at a shelter. He will probably become a good-sized dog since he's thought to be a Labrador Retriever (like Barkley). The adoption fee, which includes basic vaccinations, is $325. You can go to Houston to meet him, or have him delivered to "most States," e.g. Georgia, for an extra $300. At the time his web page was set up, about all that could be said for him was that he was a dear sweet cute little pup. He may have more of a story by now.
Bonus for Local Lurkers
Petfinder wanted me to know that the shelter in Blountville has acquired five adorable tabby cats they've named after Disney characters.
Aurora's web page:
You can meet Tigger (the orange one), Mulan, Jasmine, and Ariel, too. The listed adoption fee may not cover veterinary expenses you'll want to pay before taking an animal home, but they're serious about placing animals in good homes.
I'm thinking about the neighbor's cat who "petnapped" our Silver. While the weather was cold, Serena was very ill, Silver was sniffly and needed careful nursing too, and the local sociopath had set out poison for small animals in the insane belief that this would allow him to trap the bear or coyote who isn't here, I thought it might be best if Silver stayed with the neighbors. Silver has a home, though, where she has been loved and is missed, and Aurora, Mulan, Jasmine, and Ariel need a home. If Silver is still alive, I'd like very much to see her come home and stay home because her cat friend has his own companion, or companions.
Is ""F******k Fools" too mean, Gentle Readers? Should I call them "Zuckerberg's Zuckers"? Do you have other suggestions?