Sunday, March 2, 2025

Book Review: Just a Date

Title: Just a Date

Author: Emily Dana Botrous

Date: 2021

Quote: "It was just a date. He was over it. Obviously, she was the one with the problem."

And her problem was that another single man she knew from work did appreciate her. She only needed to look at the face behind his glasses. That's the extent to which her character grows, because this is only a short story. There's no time for more. Just a meet-cute lunch date with the potential for Romance ahead.

This is a Christian e-book in the sense that the characters' attending church is mentioned. It's not a full-length book; pre-Internet, it would have been published in a magazine or an anthology, because it doesn't fill enough pages to suit most publishers. It is clean, wholesome fiction that won't embarrass church ladies if found by their children, but it's not a traditional Sunday School book where somebody converts to Christianity. 

It's well written, short, and very very sweet. With chocolate ice cream. If you feel a need for a cool sweet mental treat, this e-book is for you.

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