Monday, March 3, 2025

Web Log for 3.2-3.25

Bad and Good News 

The good news is that, for those who have memories or souvenirs of Mia Love (R-UT, Ret.), there's a place where you can e-mail to share them with her family. The bad news is that we're losing her. We the People of These United States.

I don't even remember which bill we supported that got this web site onto her mailing list. I may be old school, but I think it's sort of like cheating to correspond with other people's Congressmen. They're supposed to stay busy corresponding with their own constituents. If somebody like Mia Love (or her staff) gets a letter from someone at this web site she (or they) are supposed to reply with a polite little form, thanking us for the nice letter and reminding us that our Congressman, Morgan Griffith or Diana Harshbarger, is interested in our views. 

She was a good one, though, as politicians go. I didn't even know her family were Haitian immigrants. I am glad, not really surprised, to see that Rs were unprejudiced enough to appreciate a good fiscally conservative Haitian-American. 

I hate losing her. She still is so young. All of those raven waves may well be her own natural hair.


Some people don't feel a real bond with their e-friends. cyberspace as in real life, there are friendly acquaintances, what Lewis called "the merely clubbable relationship" that can be the ore where Philia is the gold nuggets, and there are Friends. We rarely meet two new Friends in the same year. The social groups can be fun to hang out with, or a waste of time, depending on who's in them. But there's also a lot to be said for social groups (and for close capital-F Friends) who draw us away from the computer and out to the physical world, where moving about does our physical bodies so much good. I imagine a lot of churches could profit from this one's example.

1 comment:

  1. Good to always read your thoughts.

    yeah, that's why i have joined a group that take social walks on weekends and after that walk indulge in food and drinks and gossip. :)
