Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Think Globally, Act Locally

What does this traditional Green slogan mean? Here's a nice, short, well written solution that came in today's e-mail:

Due to length limits, however, I think Juniper Russo is preaching to the choir and not explaining enough for the people who've never given thought to the question before. A better explanation would be a short Wendell Berry's Another Turn of the Crank, which is a nice short summary of ideas he'd developed in books like Home Economics, The Gift of Good Land, and What Are People For?.

Although Another Turn of the Crank is the one I currently have for sale in the real world, Amazon makes any book by Wendell Berry "A Book You Can Buy From Me." Due to our button issues, click here to purchase these books through our unique system that offers royalty payments to Mr. Berry when you buy the books at this site.

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