Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday That Feels Like a Thursday

Status report: Once again, by a coincidence that wouldn't work in fiction, $33 in sales this morning, bringing this week's income up to, wow, $53. If you earned more than US$53 in the past week, you need to support this web site. Here are the links that make it easy:

You can also mail a U.S. postal money order to Boxholder, P.O. Box 322, Gate City, Virginia, 24251-0322.)

Now it's a Friday that feels like a Thursday, because earlier this month I started writing a short story, and it's gone slowly, and most of it is on the little old emergency backup computer known as the Sickly Snail, and I didn't want to lug the Snail into town on a sunny Friday when there was going to be so much other lugging to do, and the deadline is tomorrow, which means that in order to finish that "job" I'm going to have to come into town on a Saturday. Cue the "Wah wah waaahhh..." music from old TV shows. Wail! Woe is me!

Dump unsold books back in the storage space. Lug out the New Laptop, the one from 2009, into the nice cool cafe.

I should mention that, although a Bakery Cafe seemed for a long time like the wrong place for a celiac blog about the gluten-free life to be written, there actually are things at the cafe that I can eat, and like, whenever I can talk myself into imagining that I can afford them. There's the corn taco soup, the Cow Patties (chocolate oatmeal cookie/candies), and (in summer) the fruit salad. As temperatures vaulted up into the eighties in the market this morning, I visualized a meal-size fruit salad. I got into the cafe and was told that they buy the fruit for the fruit salad in summer only. Well...that's probably why it's so good, when they do the fruit salad: fresh local fruit. Greenhouse produce trucked up from Florida is never quite as good...

Log on to the Internet. See updates from Puerto Rico in the e-mail. I'm not seeing so much about the U.S. Virgin Islands so I'm imagining, hopefully, that they're recovering by now; this may or may not be true.

Be underwhelmed by the Huffington Post's claim that after a flood people don't have drinking water. Right, so the water they have is nasty. In the lower-lying parts of these United States all the water is pretty nasty, all the time. People strain it, boil, wait...strain it through what, exactly? Lack of water does not appear to be the real problem, but Hermes Ayala does not discuss the status of the supply of water filters on Puerto Rico. I would imagine they're running through their supply rapidly.

Bandied about on Twitter yesterday, but apparently not happening, was a proposal to evacuate Puerto Ricans to the U.S. at the federal budget's expense and then require them to pay the full cost of their visit before reclaiming their passports. Hmm. Do the ones who can't afford to evacuate themselves to Florida have passports? In the contiguous States, most people at that income level don't have passports. Did whoever proposed this realize that Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens and should not actually need passports, either to come here, or to go home? This sounded so unworkable that I posted yesterday that it had to have been just a prod for people to come up with better ideas. Apparently it was. Apparently the prod has yet to generate a workable idea.

Do Puerto Ricans have to wait for the overburdened federal government to process yet another demand for disaster funding, after two previous hurricane disasters?

A song parody started to pop into my mind..."They Call the Wind Mariah."

Paint Your Wagon (Original Broadway Cast Recording)

The Territories we'll protect, we said, come flood come fire.
If we don't stand by Puerto Rico, then we'll be a liar,
A liar, a liar, we'll be a big fat LIII-ar...

That's "we," as in We The People. Yesterday President Trump did suspend a law that had interfered with the shipping of supplies to Puerto Rico. Bombs away, Gentle Readers. Food and bottled water are being sent. Bleach, diesel fuel, antibiotic and antifungal treatments, and prescription medications are still needed, and people probably wouldn't mind more food and bottled water. Or water filters. Or personal hygiene supplies, clean unused underwear, school supplies--the same things people need in Texas or Florida.

What they want the federal government to do is fix their electrical power system, an issue this web site can't claim to understand. I'm guessing that their system will serve them better, longer, if they fix it themselves. At least, although nature provides plenty of challenges to the electricity, the water, and other things at the Cat Sanctuary, the last thing I'd want would be to try to get the federal government to handle those things.

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