Friday, May 19, 2023

Feline Friday with a Cat Rap

First, everyone should try rapping these rimes composed for Loulou the French Kitty, an adorable Tuxie fluffball, prone and also supine to rolling about and displaying her white underside for any available camera. 

She's obviously a very different cat from Serena, who treats cell phones and digital cameras as soccer balls. Nevertheless, although Serena is the Ruling Queen and doesn't like for other cats to get above themselves and try to snuggle with Her Human, whom she's trying to reorient from snuggling to active games anyway, Serena is generally sympathetic to other animals who need a loving space where they can live and snuggle and play. 

Here, in honor of Loulou, are three of the Eastern States' cutest tuxie cats who are currently in need of good homes. Please share these pictures with people who live in the appropriate places...

Zipcode 10101: Yang from New York 

One thing "yang" can mean, in Chinese, is "male energy" and this little fellow is described as male and full of energy. Shelter staff take him and his three siblings out to meet fans on 92nd Street on Wednesdays.  Kittens become bored and lonely without other kittens to play with so they recommend you adopt at least two of the four together. That way Yang will figure out naturally that when he feels the urge to pounce on something, another kitten will appreciate the opportunity for a game, and when he feels the urge to snuggle and be petted, a human's lap is the place to hop into. Tuxies tend to be snugglers all through life. 

Zipcode 20202: Wednesday and Gomez from Herndon 

Gomez is, of course, the one with the mustache (further from the camera). Wednesday is the one with the faint white line like hair parted in the center. Are they brother and sister, or do they only think they are? The shelter doesn't say. The shelter does say that this adorable pair are eligible for foster care, free of chrge until you decide you can't bear the thought of anyone else adopting them. You will. Fostrr care just gives you time to save up the money. The shelter does not recommend mixing kittens with children under age six, but they'll accept a letter of recommendation from someone who's seen that your children under six know how to behave around animals, if they do. 

Zipcode 30303: Ducky from Atlanta 

He's the one rolling on his back to display the markings on his underside. The calico beside him hes been named "Bo Peep," and the other two males are Mr Moo and Wilbur. Again, there are four kittens altogether and you must adopt at least two. As our Serena might tell you, a kitten who doesn't have other kittens to play with it a sad, lonely creature, lacking a normal way to fulfill many normal kitten instincts, and apt to develop undesirable substitute behavior patterns like biting humans and shredding their belongings. Adult cats seem to want more inter-cat space than kittens do, but two indoor cats to a small house is generally a good ratio. (In the country, where they live mostly on the porch, six social cats really seems the optimal number.)   

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