Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Three Fun Facts About Me they have to be new ones? Did Long And Short Reviews seriously imagine that bloggers have any new fun facts about ourselves that we've not already posted?

Well...maybe if they're about new developments in our lives.

1. I now live with three cats. I don't know that anyone but me misses Crayola. I'm fairly sure that everyone does miss old Sommersburr, who will be memorialized in Friday's post about Old Cats. 

2. And spiders. Late summer is spider time in the Eastern States. The outdoor ones spin those big webs that catch the morning dew. Yesterday I went out and found two spiders of different species who'd cooperated to spin parallel webs with a single bottom edge. All animals are consistently interesting, to me, though some are much more lovable than others.

3. I last bought lipstick in 2008.I last bought tights in 1990. I last bought shoes in 2021. Yes, I still identify as female. The classic model, not the plastic-y kind advertised on television. If my nephews' admirers think that this means that a visit to me will be a welcome vacation from having to dress like the women they see on television, they'll probably enjoy the visit.  


  1. Some interesting facts. I like seeing spiders in my flowerbeds.

    1. Getting rid of more unwelcome insects for us, the little loves! Thank you for visiting.

  2. No, I don’t think they need to be new factors.

    I haven’t bought lipstick or any makeup since about 2008 either!

    I buy one pair of shoes a year since I do a lot of walking and genuinely need to replace them that often. But that’s it. Haha.

    1. I'd buy more shoes if I hadn't bought into the silly idea of a "shoe wardrobe" and given myself a few dozen more pairs to wear out, still...but when I find the kind that work for me on sale, I'll buy them instead of wearing out an old pair. Thank you for commenting.

  3. I buy new shoes pretty regularly, but that's necessity rather than fashion. I have very little sense of fashion. So I'm not entirely sure that buying shoes correlates to femininity in any way, and I'm even less convinced that it *should*.
    I love spiders, and try to remove them very gently from inside my house. Otherwise, I leave them alone.

    1. Yes...the correlation to femininity was supposed to be that women were dumb enough to think we needed to own a "shoe wardrobe" of different dysfunctional styles. Blessed be all who appreciate spiders! Thank you for being here.

  4. Priscilla, I love cats, but I can't live with them because I'm very allergic, which is a shame. I have an intense phobia of spiders, though I love to watch them make webs. They're wonderfully interesting creatures when they're outside, but vicious monsters once they creep inside.

    1. It is a shame when people have allergies. I believe most of that is caused by chemical sensitivities, which pollen and animal hair merely aggravate. I know it's real, and a major bore for those who have it.

      Despite all the pro-insect content on this blog, I can't stand being touched by insects either! I figure that's a survival instinct most humans inherited from our ancestors who were not devoured by ants in the Stone Age!

      Thank you for visiting!
