Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Web Log for 8.28.23

Lot of Zazzle links today.

Announcement: Another Series You Can Sponsor 

I was reminded of this by David B. Clear's cartoon. It's not on Substack, unfortunately. Are you on his e-mail list? If you like pretty travel photos and funny cartoons, you should be. Anyway, this announcement is about THIS web site.

You now have a selection of series you can fund, all together or by ones or twos, as weekly features. This web site can look at moths in the genus Hemileuca, and potentially the related genera Automeris and Saturnia, and/or we can consider ways to save money on each part of the frugal budget. The frugal series consists of ten posts; the moth series, twenty to forty, depending on whether we branch out to the related genera. It costs only $5 per post. 

You can, of course, fund posts on topics of your choice for $5 each. Posts can contain public-domain photos as the Internet provides them and may link to educational sites, to your site, or to related music videos if there are any. (Thus, if you asked for a post about Indiana, it could include links to songs like "On the Banks of the Wabash" and "Gary Indiana.") 


Germany has officially reprimanded Biontech for its role in censoring Twitter content...now that Twitter seems to have self-destructed, in any case. Too little, too late, but we need more of this. Try a legal requirement that if any corporation requests any kind of censorship of private individuals' posts on a web site not owned entirely by the corporation, the site MUST display a notice that that corporation has attempted to censor people's comments, probably about the useless or harmful nature of a product. And there should be a link to a complete list of all that corporation's products so that people who recognize the harmfulness of censorship don't inadvertently buy any of them.


This year's weird weather caused a phenology event that inspired Wu Fei to compose a piece of music. To read, look, and listen: 


In addition to the phenology post, this year's weather also inspired Susan Jarvis Bryant to write poems:

Actually it's been the topic of quite a lot of poems; I was not the only one who chose "petrichor" as a DVerse prompt to write about rain, surplus or deficiency of, this summer, and subsequently that topic has been a DVerse prompt in its own right. (I recommend DVerse to all who love poetry. I follow it, but I can't be part of that community. I'm sorry. Every day that site generates twenty or thirty Wordpress posts and, in order to be a good e-friend and comment on all of them, I have to type my name three times on each page, which is a fair bit of unpaid typing in its own right--and then some of those Wordpress posts still reject my comments.)


The sale today was on mugs. Here's a matched pair for any two coffee drinkers for whom "His and Hers" don't seem to fit...co-workers, e.g.

How cool is it that Zazzle now has whole pages of "Save the Butterflies" designs? All on sale on the same days.

I like this one. Parantika (usually spelled parantica) flit through the same part of the world as the Atrophaneuras we've been reading about. They're biological second cousins to our Monarchs. 

Then there's the duvet cover, shown twin-bed-size but you can order any size you like.

The cause gets more money if you use my links to buy other people's designs:

My Zazzle bestsellers, over the years, are not liimited to the "Save the Butterflies" collection. They are: 

#1. The "I'm the mother, not the maid" T-shirt: 

#2. The Glyphosate-Free Tennessee Christmas Postcard. (Easily customizable for other card-sending occasions.)

#3. The Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Garden Blanket, which, btw, would also make a great duvet cover.

I tried transferring the design to a duvet cover. I didn't like the way it came out, and neither did Zazzle, so here's a whole new, two-sided, king-size duvet cover. 

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