Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Web Log 8.22.23

Blogspot acted really weird early this morning. We can never be too paranoid in cyberspace. (What if we start suspecting one another, based on the "evidence" faked by the attacker? That's not being paranoid enough.) It would be a good idea to scroll to the very bottom of the page and send a postcard, showing your public mailing address, to my post office box. A censored Internet is a dead Internet--and that's what we may wake up to, any day now. How many other Blogspot bloggers have noticed that the system doesn't save our posts on command any more? Google will save your post for you...or maybe it won't?

Buy a printer if you don't already have one, Gentle Readers, and print everything that you can imagine missing on the day when the Internet self-destructs. 


In this video the idea of social science is defended with a savage review of a bad sociology paper, whose authors base their premise on questionable assumptions, structure their study in a way that begs for trollish responses, and then read the troll comments as the kind of atavistic century-old thinking they wanted to see. We can neither understand nor address either genuinely wrong thinking, or politically incorrect thinking, if we wilfully ignore what people actually say and do and insist on claiming to hear what their great-grandparents might have said. 

I have one correction to make to the video text. It is possible to be a mix of Cherokee, African, and Irish. Depending on the proportions such a triracial person would usually identify as Black, but might have some choice in the matter. The person claiming that identity looked as if at least those three ethnic types, and probably a few more, influenced per body shape/ Considering the badness of per academic work, the parts of me that are Cherokee and Irish are just mortified, and they are dragging all the other bits along with them...Right. For the real laughs, watch the video.

(Does anyone react to the young woman's face? I thought the makeup was a clever self-deprecating joke, visually saying "I'm saying all these harsh criticisms in Cruella de Vil mode." Since Cruella was more of a ridiculous satire than a scarey villain, I find the overall effect disarming. Do you?)


Because its "on this day" list just happens to fit the timing of a book this web site wants to support:

Y'know, it may be because Google just can't resist the urge to continue to "personalize" my search results, even though I've set it NOT to do that, but for me, at least, Google absolutely refuses to show the one and only correct result for any search for " book review althea":

Let's charitably imagine that they want everyone to see the review of this book that's now live at a bigger, which does not necessarily mean better, review site:


(When men have it, is it histeria?) This article doesn't deserve a link, but I will call out a writer known as Mike Adams for alarmism. Thusly:

Whatever their unreliable, probably glyphosate-poisoned, emotions may be telling them, most Americans have a great deal left to lose. I don't care how much you were making on a job before the COVID panic destroyed that job. I do care whether you lost a parent, spouse, sibling, or even (God have mercy) a child, but that's not my point here either. I'm talking about things like eyes, teeth, knees, and kidneys. People who get sucked into violent "revolutions" tend to lose those too.

When, if, there are secret police and they break down your door in the middle of the night, then, yes, as Solzhenitsyn said, it is time to consider that there's nothing much left to lose, that if there's a baby in the house it's not going to be safe either, and sell our lives dearly. When, if, your back is well and truly up against the wall, then nobody can blame you for acting like a cornered rat. 

Meanwhile, there's a lot to be lost to stupidity, and a lot to be gained by acting like the reasonable side that holds the actual majority, which in this case would be the side that thinks the political careers of everyone ranking high in the current regime ought to be over now. 

Yes, I know, we all have these stories. I could think of Grandma Bonnie Peters, absorbing the news that her chronic glyphosate reactions had turned into liver cancer, volunteering to nurse people who had flu, then when she didn't get pneumonia from that planning the Last Road Trip, sitting beside her daughter, telling stories, admiring the view, and willing herself all along the way, "Any time after we get to Kansas or maybe Missouri, let's have that fatal stroke." I could think of the gentleman you readers know as my Significant Other, signing to his adoptive son to keep the cell phone paid up so he could call me when he felt he was making progress, dying before he did--from a brain tumor, a condition of which the incidence spiked unbelievably in people who had the first batch of COVID vaccines. I could blame various people who were profiting from the glyphosate or the vaccines, or both, and I could probably feel violent and stupid too. 

The current CEO of Bayer is Bill Anderson, American. The current CEO of Pfizer is Albert Bourla, Greek-American. The current chairman of Chemchina, which currently owns Syngenta, is Ren Jianxin, Chinese. The current CEO of Cortiva, which currently owns Dow, is Charles Victor Magro, Canadian; he prefers "Chuck" to "Victor Charlie." The current CEO of Lilly is David Ricks, American. If you look them up online I think you'll agree that they all have facial expressions that could be described as brickable. Their faces would look better on dartboards than those of Biden or Fauci, who look, to me, old and pathetic.

So hit them where they really live--right in the pocketbook! Harder! Harder! And by all means give the current regime an election defeat that will make the ghost of Lyndon Johnson feel, comparatively, like a winner. By all means, bring it home to Biden and Harris that Nixon and Agnew would get more votes today than they would.

But don't start babbling about having nothing left to lose. You have a lot. Most of you will keep your homes. Most of you will keep or recover your health. Most of you have family members who are still alive. Plenty of people deserve blame, hate, and shame, but none of those people is worth your writing yourself off and adding to your family's grief. 

Here is a poem about stupidity, the choice.


One thing for which we should be giving thanks that we still have, to protect: trees.

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