Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book Review for 9.25.24: Dare I Ask

Title: Dare I Ask

Author: Zoe Adams

Date: 2023

Quote: "I'm sputterng in the lobby of my apartment building as iced coffee soaks into my button-down shirt."

Ann-Marie Smith and Adam Smith (who seems unaware of his famous namesake's work) have been renting apartments in the same building. They've not been friends, but Adam finds himself slipping mail into Ann-Marie's box just so they have something to bicker about. When he learns that Ann-Marie is looking for a job working for "the Blaine Astor," he gives her a reference that lands her the job.

Next thing they know, they've all flown out to Aspen, where Blaine's sister has proposed a temporary wedding to Adam to enable him to spend more of his inheritance now. But when Ann-Marie sees Adam under circumstances that aren't annoying, and sounds ever so slightly friendly, he proposes marriage to her. 

It's a "slightly spicy" contemporary romance, so here's what you don't already know:

(1) It's part of one of those series of mini-books that add up to one full-lenght novel. This is volume one, where the couple admit they're attracted to each other. They'll be married in volume five.

(2) It's one of those books where "contemporary" means "lots of profanity and the girl thinks sex should come before marriage."

If you like that sort of romance, you'll porobably enjoy Dare I Ask

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