Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book Review for 10.10.24: Mistaken Gifts

Title: Mistaken Gifts

Author: Elena Aitken

Date: 2018

ISBN: 978-1-927968-48-2

Quote: "Would you believe she came tromping through the snow in tiny little heels and then gave me attitude because she was slipping and sliding and falling in the snow?"

Yuppie Eva (Andi's friend from Unexpected Gifts) and cowboy Jeff meet when Eva is asked to organize Andi's wedding at the Castle Mountain Lodge, where she and Colin met. Eva has just dumped a boyfriend., To forestall Andi trying to find her a new boyfriend while she and Andi have more urgent things to do, Eva is fake-dating an acquaintance of Andi's, a "gay" man. 

When Andi and Eva brainstorm ways to make Andi's wedding memorable, one idea sticks in Andi's mind. She wants to ride down the "aisle" on a white horse. She and Eva have seen the perfect horse on the ranch where Jeff works. Eva goes to make the arrangements and discovers that what she has in the way of boots are useless in actual snow. She scolds Jeff for not clearing the walkways. Jeff thinks she's cute when she's mad.

After lots of misunderstandings involving Eva's fake date and a pretty, predatory Hollywood agent who has signed Jeff up for a part, you know how this story is bound to end. If you like tasteful "contemporary adult" romances set in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, here is one more you'll want to read.

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