Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Book Review for 10.8.24: Summer Solstice in Swindon

Title: Summer Solstice in Swindon

Author: G. Clatworthy

Quote: "Swindon was voted the worst place to live in the country."

Here is another short story published as an e-book, meant to introduce readers to the fictive world in which a series of full-length novels are set. Agent Jones, a cute young woman who can transform into cat shape at will, defeats the pig demon for whom the town of Swindon was named (in this fictive world anyway)

There's a real town called Swindon in England. I don't know whether it's actually been voted the worst place to live in the country, but I'm guessing it's a place the writer known as G. Clatworthy intends never to see again. Nonfiction authors usually interpret the town's name as referring to a hill where someone kept pigs, rather than a hill dominated by a pig demon, but who knows.

When an e-book opens with a warning that it's "written in UK English," I'm not really sure what to expect, but it's hard for the book to disappoint me. Unfortunately this book was less of a surprise than it ought to have been. 

If a fictional world where people turn into animals and fight duels with demons appeals to you, you may want not only the e-book but the series. 

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