Monday, November 21, 2011

Lamar Alexander Owes Visitors an Apology

It may be a question of procedure, but some very active citizens have just been insulted. Here's what Matt Kibbe just e-mailed to me:

While Congress and their "super committee" are meeting behind closed doors and have failed to make even meager cuts to the federal budget, the Tea Party and FreedomWorks proposed massive cuts to federal government. As Roll Call reported, "The FreedomWorks proposal was more detailed than anything that has been publicly discussed by the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction."

But minutes before our event, on the orders of Chuck Schumer, chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, our microphones were confiscated and our members ejected from the room!

We the People must be heard. Please click here to demand an apology!

We observed all the rules. Senator Mike Lee reserved the room for us weeks in advance. Every "i" was dotted and every "t" crossed. But when Senate Democrats got word that we planned on doing their job for them ... that we planned to suggest real cuts to the budget ... well, that's when they got scared and pulled the plug.

Please watch the video of the shutdown below, and immediately take action by calling Senator Chuck Schumer (Rules Committee Chairman) and Senator Lamar Alexander (Rules Committee Ranking Member) DEMANDING an apology.

Obviously I can't make long-distance calls from the computer center, and the Senators have gone home for the night anyway...but I'm with Matt Kibbe on this one. These American voters travelled a long way in order to make a peaceable, public-spirited statement. Whatever the silly rule may say or how it may apply to the Tea Party's delegation, I think that, as a Southerner, Senator Alexander should personally apologize to the Tea Partiers. And he should get them back onto the Senate floor before they leave the District of Columbia. And he should see to it that, while in Washington, they're shown what "Southern Hospitality" means.
Any fellow Southerners out there? Anybody from Tennessee? Let's visit the distinguished gentleman:

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