Thursday, November 30, 2017

Tim Kaine Just Doesn't Get It

This web site hopes that U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) has been completely chaste and monogamous all his life...because any older man with whom anybody disagrees seems to be attracting accusations of long-past sexual misconduct, these days, and is the position taken in this e-mail ever disagreeable. How bitterly the Senator clings to that individual mandate to participate in insurance gambling schemes! Anybody'd think he owned stock in one of those insurance companies that are ruining the U.S. medical care system...

From Senator Kaine:

This week, the Senate will vote on a Republican tax bill that will do serious harm to Virginia families and businesses. I’ll be voting no, but we need your voices now more than ever to stop this bill from becoming law.
Tax reform should prioritize the middle class and small businesses, but this bill is all about giving a massive tax cut to the those at the very top and large companies. Independent analyses has also shown that it will raise taxes on millions of middle class families, add $1.5 trillion to the deficit and would lead to 13 million fewer Americans having health insurance by repealing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate. This isn’t how we should be doing tax reform, and the process by which this bill is being jammed through the Senate is disrespectful to the interests of the American public.
This tax reform bill will have a lasting impact on the American economy and every single person in Virginia. It’s important we get this right and not do irreparable harm to millions of families and small businesses who don’t deserve to be stuck with higher taxes for years to come.
" [signature graphic]

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