Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Web Log 6.20.23

Granted, I do spend a lot of my e-time on correspondence with publishers of religious content these days, and a lot on correspondence with poetry publishers. But I do find other tidbits here and we have sports!


I read about homeboy in the newspaper, started to open Twitter, reminded myself that Twitter has gone pretty much dead for the private users who built it. Seeing that tweet from that poor woman who hadn't even been aggravating an evil corporation, afaik, who was only trying to find a home for a dog--and seeing that the tweet only actually reached her e-friends the day after the dog was scheduled to be killed--has changed the way I think of Twitter. The newspapers would have to be printing, as headline news, "TWITTER ANNOUNCES TOTAL REVERSAL OF ALL CHANGES TO ORIGINAL CENSORSHIP POLICY, SCRAPS ALL ALGORITHMS, RESTORES EQUALITY TO ALL ACCOUNTS," for me to go back there. So, instead, youall get to read about my high school's latest super-achiever on ESPN! Go Big Blue! Go, Mac McClung!

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