Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Why I Love Being a Blogger

This week's Long And Short Reviews question is "Why do you love being a blogger?"

This is important--it's part of the philosophy behind this web site, and behind my social life. I love blogging because it's the most efficient way to distribute the kind of personal news that people used to copy over and over into as many letters as they had friends and relatives. 

Really personal news does not belong on the Internet and is not found here. I still write proper letters, with stamps and envelopes and all, when it seems to be obligatory for me to be the one to express thanks or sympathy, or deliver the news that someone was born or died. 

The blog tells everyone I know the news that would be public if the public were interested in it--what I've been reading and thinking, what I have for sale, what I recommend buying or doing in aid of a good cause. I would never knowingly mislead friends about facts, but both memory and the Internet are fallible. If I say something that's not true, you need to send the correct facts.

You're even welcome to send facts that you hope will change my or some readers' opinions, if they are genuine facts.


  1. It is a much better way of communication than FB and the others.

  2. Blogging is a great way to communicate with friends, new and old.

  3. If I only published news on my blog I feel like no one would know what was going on in my life. My views/readers are miniscule and despite multiple people knowing I have a blog I can maybe list one of them that actually reads it.

    1. Thank you for saying that! Sometimes it seems to me as if everyone else started out with more e-friends than I have, because everyone else knows people in real life who use the Internet. In real life I know a few people who use the'Net for research and work only (they do occasionally read the insect posts!) and a lot of people who think the Internet is just for porn and scams!
