Title: The Pryce of Delusion
Author: Kari Bovee
Date: 2023
Publisher: Bosque
ISBN: 978-1-947905-22-1
Quote: "The gold, heart-shaped ring...never let me down, and I was never without it."
Arabella Pryce is a successful actress. She gives the credit to a lucky ring her missing father sent her as a souvenir. People have told her she'd be just as good an actress without it; Arabella doesn't want to believe them.
Then her ring is stolen...and someone threatens her husband. A police detective seems helpful, finding clues that her mother-and-manager stole the ring, but the pieces don't quite fit...
If you like a mystery where nobody dies, you'll like this one. People are in danger but they escape. Even the ring will be found at the end, before Arabella and her husband go out to their next adventure. There's a series about these characters.
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