Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tim Kaine Thinks CHIP Is a Solution

Editorial comment: The position of this web site is that bringing insurance gambling schemes into children's medical care is vile. Not only should our taxes not be funding it; it should be a crime. That's why I don't share the sense of triumph Senator Kaine seems to feel over having reauthorized a "Children's Health Insurance Program." Within six years, anyone qualified to be a U.S. Senator ought to have worked out a complete overhaul of the system guaranteeing that no child in any State will ever be subject to medical "coverage" and oversight by ignorant third parties--that any medical care children need will be determined by the children, their parents, and their doctors, and financed on a cash basis, with any payment gap filled in by payments directly to the doctors in a way that excludes any possibility of third-party profiteering.

This web site doesn't care so much if adults want to gamble with their own money, although this web site does believe insurance gambling is the main reason why U.S. voters and taxpayers aren't able to pay for their own medical care (as most of us used to be, even on busboys' wages). But bringing children into an immoral, unethical, unsustainable...and asking the taxpayers to fund such...! !!!!!

From U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA):

This week, we passed a six-year reauthorization of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). That means 66,000 kids in Virginia who rely on CHIP can finally get some peace of mind knowing their coverage won't be taken away. I'm relieved Congress reached a bipartisan agreement to reauthorize this critical program, but the delay to get to this point was unacceptable.
Months of uncertainty brought fear to so many families who depend on CHIP for care and medications. Throughout the fall, we called on Republican leadership to bring a bipartisan CHIP bill to the floor, and for months it never happened. Congress needs to do better.
As these families get letters informing them that they'll continue receiving care under CHIP, I'm proud that Senator Mark Warner and I could be part of the solution. I will keep working in the Senate to protect health care for families and kids across Virginia, and for making changes that give Virginians better, more affordable health insurance options.
" [his signature graphic, which Google claims is not secure, and I suppose hackers may be attracted to such things]

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