Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1 Link Log

Well, this is sort of a sad day. After stewing over it all summer...I liked Blogjob. A lot. I hoped that leaving good content up at that site would help the site recover from its financial distress and pay the eighty-seven dollars it owed me, and then I'd resume posting there, maybe even under a new temporary contract for lower pay. But no. The advertisers have got the bit into their teeth and want to go on jamming obnoxious ads into the middles of articles for which I have yet to receive the Penny One. So, sadly, I'm transferring articles posted on Blogjob since December onto the Blogspot, where readers will see only the Amazon ads that are supposed to generate payments on commission, plus links to e-friends' best things of course. Meanwhile, links as they come in fit into the Categories: Animals, Business, Censorship, Food, Free Money!, Health News, Introverts, New York City, Nice, Topophilia, Writing...and can I squeeze in Amazon?

Amazon Link 

Yes! Since I just transferred a review of another of her early books, I checked, and Meghan Daum has a new one. Buy it new to show respect:


Update! The lovable puppy mentioned yesterday is in Ohio:

And here's a chicken story:


"Do you have what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur?" asks Larry Kim. Like I wouldn't know...I only did that for about twenty years. But check out his list of the job skills he believes are now essential. What do you think? Is he right?


I've never liked the walking stereotype of anti-Greek hate mentioned here, and had been leaving his story alone because who wants to read about an idiot who's more annoying even than Spiro Agnew used to be, but in view of this morning's op-ed post...Here's where I think the line should be drawn: Sending images of animals to someone on Twitter should be legal and protected, unless of course they're proved to be live unfaked images of animals being tortured. Hacking someone's Twitter account should get the participants, and the devices they've used, banned from Twitter for life. (No, that doesn't mean Twitter should demand proof of identity from participants; it means that these individuals, if they want to use Twitter again, should have to buy completely new devices and set up completely new accounts that never repeat, or make any reference to, the sins of their ignorant youth. And Twitter should stand witness in their prosecution for criminal harassment.)

Food (Yum) 

If you like vegan food, this issue of the McDougall newsletter, containing budget-conscious vegan recipes, is not to be missed:

Free Money 

Once again...thanks to whichever local lurker dug this one up! Yes, it's been three months since I last saw young people trudging around with a sack, and yes, I've left lots of top-popped cans for those young people to find along Route 23, and no, they're not picking them up. I hope that means those two have found a better-paid job! I'm almost desperate enough to haul a sack of cans to the state line, on foot, myself...but it really is a job for someone who has a truck that can haul heavy-duty sacks. There's more than a shopping-bag-size load out there.

Health News 

Here's a petition I signed; some readers may want to sign it too:

Few people would be tempted to get into the situation where they'd really need the information Dan Lewis shares here, but it just might save another person's life, somewhere...

Here's another old one of mine that may become relevant, again, to someone out there who has a child in school. If this sounds like your child, your child is not autistic, or even shy, no matter how much s/he resists making eye contact or how slowly s/he learns to recognize facial expressions. Some otherwise normal people were just born to communicate without pulling faces at each other. School staff who don't recognize this fact need to be told to deal with it and learn to speak like human beings.


Notice how defensive they get at the first hint that extroverts don't have everything all their way all the time these days, that literate society is finally ceasing to function as one big support group for extroverts? I love it. I don't hate extroverts, or anyone else, in any serious way, but I think the evidence is mounting that their unfortunate condition is the result of brain damage.

New York City 

Dan Lewis's e-mail warned that this post is a bit of a gross-out. Since when has any Washingtonian balked at any opportunity to laugh about how gross New York City is? I chortled.


Regular readers know what to do here! Remember, you can cast another vote for #NovaSkye daily...actually, the site may let you vote more than once during a calendar day if you're online long enough. The site will tell you how many hours to wait between votes in this cute-picture contest. We can help the child of a cancer survivor, and a writer who's actively contributed (money!) to the cause of fair payments for other online writers, by voting for this terribly cute picture:


Serendipitously, these two posts turned up in Google Chrome at the same time...I don't believe nature intended humans to be nomads. As a child I sojourned in lots of different places and actively hated most of them for not being home; that's why I was surprised, and disappointed with myself, to find that I couldn't feel much empathy toward the city where I was born when it was terrorized by mass murders. (It took me a long time, and a lot of jokes about Hell, to get over an emotional feeling that Michigan, where I became ill from state-mandated vaccines against a disease I'd already had, should sink in a pit.) During my youth I did manage to live with two conflicting loves-of-place (Washington and my home town), and I'm really glad that, as the sex hormones settled down after age forty, so too has the urge to go back to Washington. I'll always love the city but I'll never live there again.


This post needs some explaining. It's about a writing site that initially tried to pay for blog posts, the way Blogjob did, but then advertisers told the site manager they'd only pay for real articles. At the rates Blogjob was paying for blog posts? I don't think so! Writers need to hold out for real payment for real work. If we do research, even opening a web page, we should be paid for it. One dollar per web site consulted, minimum; less than that, the sponsors should be grateful for permission to post a link on a blog post, and we should monitor the site to make sure we're getting a commission on any revenue that link generates.

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