Monday, March 4, 2024

Link Log for 3.1-3.24

(Why do a few link logs start with "the"? When formatting posts in Blogger I type something like "a" or "the" just to test that the format has been set up. If I make the time to edit a Link Log before it's scheduled to become visible to you, I take out the placeholder word. Once or twice in the history of this web site I've neglected to do that.)


Thoughts of  hope from a cancer patient's caretaker/spouse:


What Trump Derangement Syndrome is really all about: an overwhelming fear of actually being one of those ordinary working people the Left always raves about wanting to help. I think this poet is young and has written more insightfully than he knows. Nevertheless.

I'm not saying that there aren't people who deserve our votes more than Trump does, or that I'd be less than dismayed if two or more of them aren't on the ballot in November. I'm saying, whether you think we could do with four years of Trumponomics to recover from the Biden disaster or see the opportunity to vote for one of those better people, there's no rational base for Trump Derangement Syndrome. If you really hate and fear the former President all that much, you might want to ask yourself why.

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