Thursday, October 27, 2022

Status Update: Pause Between Hustles

This post is strictly for sponsors and clients...

What happened was that, last week, a large job I'd offered to do, and then forgotten about, suddenly leaped out of the e-mail and grabbed me. It was a fun job, or would have been if I'd been in less of a hurry to get it done.  It's the hurrying that's left me feeling frazzled. 

Well, that and the ominous implications of a piece of mail that came in last week. It may have been an error or a prank, but I actually received a notice in the mail that my voting place had been changed to a town I've never even visited, about eighty miles from mine. I wonder how many people in my town, who are sufficiently disgusted with the current administration to vote for everybody with an R beside the name on the ballot, will be confused enough to fail to vote because of this kind of shenanigans? As a guess, a typical reaction will be: "Bah humbug, they don't really count the votes by hand any more anyway and the computers are all rigged, so why bother going into town to straighten this out." 

I'll be going into town to find out more about this caper, and blog and tweet about it, in the morning. Then I have one more Book Tasters e-book, two actual physical books, a Plough e-book, and at least one Library Thing e-book (the system prods the authors to send them out at the end of the month) to read and review or, in one case, copy-edit. 

I intend to spend the next week mostly online, but reading, not writing, with only a little time for the e-mail and Blogspot reading lists. That will not preclude research and writing for the hard-hitting post about election chicanery, or other animal posts and fun stuff. 

Meanwhile, for those looking for something to get up and, if not dance, exercise to...I wondered what Malcolm Dalglish was up to these days. Well, he wasn't derailed by the 1980s' shift from an interest in fusion to an interest in monotonous robotic back-beats and all-but-strip-dancing videos. Here he's set a poem to a traditional dance tune and got a youth choir singing it...

I love it when people aren't trying to make money performing for the music industry, but just enjoying music for what it is. 

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