Thursday, July 27, 2023

Web Log 7.26.23

A new book of snarky poems, more...


Megan McDermott considers the fundamental silliness of gadgets sold to Sunday School classes. Do they help children understand the Bible? Probably not, and possibly in the wrong way. Ah, but do they keep some church member, somewhere, off welfare? That's also a worthy goal. Still, some of the products are just so...tacky.

Women's Issues 

I like Candace Owens. But I don't like the way she criticized the "Barbie" movie. No good parts for men in it? Well, there are real women's stories like that. If a man made a movie where all the female characters were hateful and stupid, he'd be called out for sexist bigotry? Well, for the first fifty years, that was basically the way Hollywood made movies--when there were female characters at all, when the actresses weren't just trotted out in costumes to be looked at and maybe to scream or be kissed or something. What changed that? "Feminists" did. 

Feminists include all people who think women are at least equally valuable with men, including some of the women who've turned out to oppose some feminist activities. How is that possible? Because "women" are, like "men," too big a group to form a solid consensus on anything. There are Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian, and Independent women voters just as there are men voters. So we do not always agree, nor do we all want the same thing.  There are feminists who want to have abortions and still feel good about themselves, and there are feminists who think the existence of a market for abortion as a "choice" is the problem. We can oppose our opponents on this and that but I don't think it's a good idea to bash "feminists." Bash the ideas with which you disagree, Candace Owens.

And meanwhile, little girls at the Barbie-doll age need a counter-message to the sick "romance" messages they get from pop culture. They need to know that women who get up on stage and yowl, grovel, drool, and generally act out the message that they've never figured out how to gratify their own carnal urges, are doing that because it pays, not because that's the way growing up or even "falling in love" really feel. They need to know that they don't have to try to get themselves turned into sick defective males, or at least non-females, because pop culture's images of young womanhood are so repulsive. They need a healthier image. If that boyfriend tries to control your life, and he's not even supporting you as a husband...yes, by all means, put him back in the box! I think little girls can tell the difference between a bossy boyfriend who needs to be put back in the box, and a real father, brother, or husband who needs encouragement to behave well, but not idolatry.

And boys...I think we are seeing some real discrimination against men in education, employment, publishing, and we need to oppose that. As women, and as feminists. In order to sell women's books we do not need a ban on publishing men's books, for pity's sake. But boys do need to know that limitations apply to their behavior, that in order to be loved and supported they need to control themselves and make sure they aren't infringing on anyone else's rights--especially not a girlfriend's. They do need to know that some behavior that may come naturally to them seems like bullying and bossing to others and, while other boys are more likely to beat them up than girls are, that does not mean it's all right to boss or bully or "tease" girls either.

Best promo for what's probably going to be a lame, commercial movie I ever saw.


Filling in the gaps with gifts for guys, this vinyl bumper sticker comes in sizes to fit on cars, bikes, luggage, helmets, lockers or whatever. 

Not mine: 

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