Friday, July 28, 2023

Web Log 7.27.23

Status update: Reading a long dreary science fiction novel about unlovable people with whose goals I can't sympathize. You'd think it'd be easy to choose sides in a story where one character wants to kill another character and the other character prefers to stay alive, but no. I don't feel that the would-be killer deserves to succeed, nor do I feel that the possible victim really deserves to survive. The old book reviewer's joke comes to mind. 

"What these poems lack is fire."

"You think I should put more fire into my poetry?"

"I think you should put more of your 'poetry' into the fire!" 

I will write a review of this book that will say something nicer about it than that its four hundred and some pages should make your dry-flush toilet happy, or should light a lot of fires this winter...but so far I'm not sure what.


Publishers keep throwing fiction and more fiction at us, so it's refreshing to see a reading list from a blogger who favors a mix of fiction and nonfiction, with some titles I'd like to read too:


This looks like our wild garlic. 

More midwestern wildflowers at 

Glyphosate Awareness 

Bumblebees don't come into this world with the impressively complex instincts wasps have. Bumblebees can be described as more intelligent: They're built to learn at least some new information about the world as they encounter it. What can we learn from the bumblebees about how glyphosate exposure affects their learning process?


Not exactly news: "I have yet to meet an unemployed patient who benefitted more from a pill than from a steady job." 

For those who imagine that building a tier of government above national governments would mean less corruption, a look at how long it's taking a corporation to set its tentacles into the World Health Organization: 


Vince Staten considers ball park music:


Shared by Tom Cox: 

While everyone else has shared the sad news that Sinead O'Connor, only 56 years old...May she rest in peace. Her songs weren't played on local radio and I'm hearing them for the first time today. What does it say about our culture that a face and voice like hers couldn't earn a living just singing inoffensive old songs?


They suggested a birthday party guest book. Are birthday parties big enough to need guest books? This design just wanted to be an autograph album. Whatever. You could customize it for a birthday party guest book, if you know someone whose birthday parties are huge bashes.

Not mine: 

Not new, but mine: 

Not mine, but on sale: 

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