Friday, February 21, 2025

Bad Poetry: Ode to a Torch

(Some say torch, some say flashlight. In real life I usually say flashlight, but the Poets & Storytellers United prompt specified the word torch.) 

Dear little battery-powered torch
Whose cool, small light will never scorch,
You've beamed through many a night and day
When electricity'd blown away.
Of recent gifts from my late mother
I've loved you more than any other.
What's made your usefulness so large
Is that your batteries recharge.
I've missed a late friend's Ray-O-Vac
But, having you, I really lack
Nothing by way of safe, cheap light.
Those who made you did their work right.

In the 1990s my mother and one sister used to peddle Avon products. Not all Avon products are cosmetics. One year they were selling pocket-sized rechargeable torches, or flashlights, whichever, and I received one for a birthday gift. Another year, later, I stayed off the grid all summer. I had half a dozen battery-powered lights including a cheap plastic imitation of the classic Ray-O-Vac, a big lamp whose battery compartment had to be unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver, and the pocket-sized treasure. The Avon flashlight, or torch, outperformed the others...and it still does. 


  1. What a sweet gift, both useful and with sentimental value. No wonder you treasure it! (These days I am often thankful for the torch built into my iPhone.)

    1. Thank you! I'd agree that that's one useful thing about the "smartphones."


  2. The memories will light your way as well as will the touch.

  3. I remember Avon ladies. Now that is a while back. I still use battery torches

  4. now I want a rechargable flashlight....ha. I really enjoy getting to learn a little of others through their writings. Thank you for sharing this

  5. A reliable flashlight is a great thing to have
