Friday, October 20, 2023

Web Log for 10.19.23

Well, memes anyway...Still trying to think of a poem for today...


The scientific name is Sciurus vulgaris orientis, common Asian squirrel. It could crossbreed with European squirrels, but not with American squirrels. The color contrast can be even brighter, black and red instead of gray and tan, and the tail can be reddish or grayish. Hat tip to LoneStar Neanderthal at for sharing.

War & Peace 

A meme (could be printed as a badge, or on shirts) for peaceniks!

Google traces it to somebody called Stacktoshi on Twitter, but who knows. Internet memes are a true folk art form. 

How is it possible to wage peace after a crime like the Hamas attack? I'm not sure, but if I were a national leader whose country could easily reduce an enemy to ashes, and had by now come close to doing that...I'd say, while the declaration of war was in effect, that I was open to negotiations for peace on very certain terms. Those terms would include that every one of the Hamas criminals be turned in, dead or alive, for incineration on the remains of a central site in Gaza city. Their own people would have to turn them in, to denounce them, to spit on their faces or their remains, to affirm that Hamas forfeited their claim to be treated as humand and made themselves trash. Then all Palestinians over age twelve would have to take an oath of loyalty to become second-class citizens in an Israeli protectorate, where they would be safe and could live on their own land in peace. The oath would specifically say that discussion of an independent Palestinian state would become negotiable again if and when the Palestinians had abstained from all violence for fifty years. Then the war would be over and the Palestinians could peaceably re-negotiate the details about land use, water rights, etc.

What the Israelis did was what most people whose close relatives have been shot in the back would be likely to do. They picked up whatever weapons were convenient and went after the murderers. That is part of our animal nature, and deserves no particular blame. But there needs to be an end to it. Even if, for some reason related to pollution of the land and water, all Israelis want to watch more Palestinians die just as much as all Palesitnians want to kill Israelis--which I find hard to believe--they could think of overkill as the waste of resources it is. The next attack on Israel might come from a real country with a military force as powerful as Israel's own, or more so, and if they waste all their firepower on pathetic Palestinian orphans, where will they be?

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