Sunday, October 29, 2023

Web Log for 10.27.23 and 10.28.23

Status Update 

A new Christian book review will appear here some time today, if it hasn't already. A new Christian thought essay will appear here either today or next Sunday. I now have 75 new e-books in Book Funnel, about twenty PDF, and a few dozen in Kindle. I'm starting to feel a bit like "Bar the doors! They're coming in the windows!" More arrive in almost every e-mail. I'm reading as fast as I can, and already the blanket I've been knitting as I read is big enough for me to lie down under and rest my eyes. I will read your books, dear fellow writers...I just can't promise which ones I'll be able to read and review in this calendar year. But I am grateful for all the free reads and, to answer one author's question--no, I don't give everything five stars or recommend it to movie makers, or even hardcover publishers, but so far none of the self-published romance or detective stories has been really bad. Frivolous fun for those who like that sort of fiction is what they are. All book lovers who have computers need to be on board helping identify the new books that really should be printed and kept in libraries.

How do you get on these lists? Stand still in cyberspace, don't move--they'll find you! Seriously, Net Galley and Edelweiss are two good sources of digital copies and advance reader copies of books that frazzled commercial publishers recognized as having strong market potential--new books from authors of very popular and/or well reviewed books, e.g. Book Tasters is a good source of quirky self-published books that are good. I seem to be on about a half-dozen other lists and I don't even know where they're based or how I got onto them. The flash flood of free books will subside...if you're a book lover I highly recommend enjoying it while it lasts.


Not every home is suited to become a Cat or Dog Sanctuary. Gentle Readers, one of the authors who's been trying to market books by sending out free copies of volume one is a sort of accidental pet rescuer. Animals were dumped on her doorstep or being judged unadoptable at the shelter. She did what she had to do and, as a result, needs to find a new home fast. Fortunately houses are relatively affordable in southern Ohio. If you want to help a half-dozen furballs and a writer find a Fur Ever Home, here's the Go Fund Me link:



Hill Faith is an interesting site for a specific niche of readers--federal employees in Washington. It combines reports on job openings and promotions with Christian essays, mostly on explaining the faith to unbelievers, and on Sundays it presents a Christian contemporary song. 


I didn't find dVerse Poets while this poet was an active member...


Martha DeMeo cruises along the Blue Ridge Parkway to bring youall the sort of views I've been living with lately...


Can a quarrel do more damage than a flood?

Politics (Election 2024)

Hahaha. At TheViewFromLadyLake.Blogspot this was recommended as a way to annoy left-leaning neighbors. If I were an annoyed left-leaning neighbor, I'd sneak out and reverse the heads. And if I were going to decorate for Halloween and invite pranks from kids who wanted more or pricier candy, I just might hand them something obvious like that.

Photo ganked from this post. I don't know that Joe Jackson's header violates any site contracts; it uses a phrase that even aunts use in some parts of the country, but aunts of my vintage, in Virginia, do not.

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