Thursday, November 2, 2023

Web Log for 11.1.03

So, I was reading a new book of "poems"--free verse actually, but pleasant free verse--and preparing for the first freeze of winter, and then I started dripping. I don't get head colds except during glyphoste reactions, and where would I have got the virus from? I hadn't visited or been visited by anyone legitimate in the last 72 hours. Oh, wait...the rodents. The Professional Bad Neighbor was redistributing rodents up here this week. You think it's just that they come in from the cold, and when dumped out in a strange place they certainly do, but rodents do not normally travel in groups of a half-dozen individuals of different species, nor do they turn up by the boxful at all the houses in the neighborhood on the same days without some help. One of them got inside, went straight for the trap, and evidently dropped off some human germs on the way. \


When I read stories and share links from Rebel News I'm usually on their side. This time I'm divided. Do elected officials have a right to block their constituents, not for posting hateful content, but just because they can't keep up with every constituent they have who uses social media? I think they do. I think it's very foolish for them to block any constituent openly or for a long period of time, but y'know, even reporters can't be expected to read and respond to every single post from every reader. Even assuming that elected officials hire students to sort their electronic messages, like their mail, and deliver only what's many students can Canadian officials keep on staff? Students' eyes get tired, too, eventually.

I mean to say...As a candidate, Vice-President Harris blocked me. For no reason. I bash ideas but I'm predisposed to support women. Except, of course, Harris. I've read things about her that I'd just love to publicize, if they'd been proven true! She lost a vote. She lost a blog. She convinced me that she's both a hateful person and a stupid one. But she's a human being; she has a natural right to be spiteful and stupid, even in public, like the rest of us. 


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