Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Free Verse: All I Want Is...

All I want is
a glyphosate-free world
& this looms so large
in my mind
that nothing prettier
or cleverer
or even rhymeable
can get in
sorry, Gentle Readers 


  1. Well, that sent me on a Google search, and now I quite understand why this such a big and important want for you! I am adding it to mine too. I discovered it is banned in many local councils in Australia, but not generally; will find out if it is banned where I live.

  2. OH MY YES. There are days I sit down to eat, wonder if what I am ingesting is going to kill me. Your poem is 'epic.'

  3. Thank you, poets! Yes, many places have banned open-air glyphosate spraying...but so far, in the US and UK, local authorities have not had support in enforcing these laws despite the clear majority of local people's wanting them. My neighborhood had banned all pesticide spraying , by consensus, since the 1970s, and then our Professional Bad Neighbor bought a few scattered acres. He doesn't actually have to live or work on any of them, nor is he trying to "farm." He has been spraying poison on them, profusely, with the LOUDLY AND PUBLICLY STATED INTENTION of "running off" the property owners. We need laws establishing that spraying poison outdoors harms people and requiring a complete local consensus before anybody can spray.
