Monday, May 20, 2024

Book Review: Criminal Instinct

Title: Criminal Instinct

Author: Vito Zuppardo

Date: 2019

Publisher; Vito Zuppardo

Quote: "Watching his surroundings had become second nature for Mario DeLuca, the cop."

Little Leo, the baddie Mario spots across the restaurant on a date, may have some instinct for being a criminal but it's not as strong as Mario's instinct for spotting criminals. This is the relatively short story of how Mario was promoted to detective, leading into the longer stories about five cases he solved. 

It's an open-and-shut case. Zuppardo even admits that "the stars lined up." A witness confronts Leo and gets him arrested on charges that make it easy for Mario to prove the first round of charges against him, and then tourists come back to New Orleans to testify to more. 

This short e-book is for all the battered women, and their relatives, who enjoy fantasizing about the "warm welcome" abusive exes should only get into prison. The author is on your side, it says. Won't you please buy all hs other books? And, if you like novels where criminals go to prison and nice people do each other friendly favors in New Orleans, you probably will. 

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