Sunday, May 26, 2024

Link Log for 5.24-25.24

Blog Housekeeping 

There's a reason why Google turned against link logs. Over time links tend to break down. After a while web addresses are deregistered, and they may, or similar-looking web addresses may, be used by people who just want any web address that's been linked to use to set up a crooked gambling site. 

Most--not all--of the first year or two of blog posts here will be going away soon. A majority of those posts were about other people's content to which I'd linked, and a majority of those links are broken.  If anyone still wants those posts, they'll still be available as printed books, price depending on the type size you want. 


Never doubt, left-leaning readers (if we still have any), that "conservatives" want whales to be saved just as much as you do. The difference is, we don't think global totalitarian government will save them.

For those who don't recognize the picture or the story, Sherry Marr explains:

Kim Whysall-Hammonds asks the hard question: 


Memorial Day Meme 

Stout hearts and true, hold fast what is ours...

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