Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How I Feel About "Staycations"

This week's Long and Short ReviewsLong and Short Reviews question is "How do you feel about 'staycations'?" 

My answer is bifurcated, but otherwise simple:

1. I like the thing--vacation time spent in the same place, but doing something different. I take a one-day "staycation" every week. 

2. I don't like the word, because it sounds like a statement that the only way to do a real vacation is to travel, and I don't agree. Our word "travel" was originally spelled "travail." The medieval writers who wrote the words "travel" and "travail" alike (sometimes with quaint spellings like "trauayle") seem to have thought of them as the same word. Going to a different town was strenuous, painful labor. Modern transportation does make travel easier, but it's still a chore. 

I do think travel can be a valuable experience. There's much to be said for the old idea of a year or two of travel as part of education, before or during college/university. But every single year? Who benefits from that except the travel industry? 


  1. Travelling back then was much more difficult for sure!

    I didn’t know that travel and travail used to be the same word.


  2. I completely agree. I found traveling wonderful but also stressful and tiring. Before I was a mom. Now? Just no thanks.

  3. I do enjoy travel and experiencing new places, but love the etymology and can appreciate it!

  4. Thank you for visiting and commentng, fellow reviewers.

