Sunday, May 12, 2024

Book Review: The Mary Miracle

Title: The Mary Miracle

Author: Jack Hayford

Date: 1994

Publisher: Gospel Light

ISBN: 0-8307-1652-1

Length: 201 pages

Quote: “A pregnancy is the ultimate analogy. Everything in life is ‘like it’.”

So, whoever you are, and whatever may be going on in your life at the moment, Jack Hayford proposes to strain for an analogy to Mary’s accepting the call to be the Mother of Christ.

Let’s just say, as charitably as possible, that although some women have apparently approved of this analogy, it doesn’t work for me. .

Jack Hayford is generally a skillful writer and speaker. The individual chapters are coherent, logical, and terse. 

Some people collect Hayford's writing and may want this book to complete their collection. Right. I have it.

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