Sunday, May 12, 2024

Unto the Skeptics I Became Skeptical

The skeptics claim that God cannot exist
Because things said about God make no sense.
We who would seize the point that they have missed
Consider things said of our Presidents.

Much nonsense has been uttered and believed
About the way our Chief ascends to fame,
The duties and the powers he’s received,
And his fair measure of our praise and blame:

So much nonsense that, as they serve their term,
Each one amasses mail absurd enough
To fill a book; as apologium,
Most of them publish this ridiculous stuff.

Did God divert the storm for Preacher Pat?
To say such things poor Preacher Pat is able.
Does the President hold council with his cat?
Can he amend the multiplication table?

Those who write letters to the President’s pet
Are saner still than those who might deny
That Presidents exist, or letters get;
This is a rule to judge the skeptics by.


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