Thursday, May 9, 2024

Web Log for 5.8.24

There's still a serious problem somewhere. The sponsors are paying for a reliable, wired Internet connection. The connection to Mountainet is excellent. At some point between Mountainet and Google, storm damage persists. The actual connection to Google that I've been getting this week has definitely been wireless and has blinked in and out whenever rain was falling...somewhere...not necessarily here. 


Butterfly romance. These smaller butterflies don't spend time travelling together, like Monarchs, or plying each other with perfume, like Swallowtails, or play-fighting to slow down the process, like Clearwing Swallowtails, but at least they are modest. They hide the more tempting, fat-bearing parts of their bodies behind their dry, unappetizing wings.

Politics (Election 2024)

Why some voters won't trust Tulsi Gabbard: 


Zazzle now does what most stores now call "fanny packs." I liked "pouches" better. Belt pouches? Strap-on pockets? Useful things anyway. Mine:

You can substitute any other picture from my collection or yours, but I like the White Admiral butterfly on this one because the back of the pouch, which isn't printed, happens to mimic the motif on the White Admiral butterfly. 

Not mine: 

Another cool trinket you never knew you needed: Bluetooth speakers. If you have a stupidphone that has Bluetooth and you want to use it in the car without holding the phone against your ear, this is for you. I like it with the Black Swallowtail butterfly, but you could substitute a photo of your dog and still support the butterflies.

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