Friday, September 6, 2024

Bad Poetry: Yarn That Makes Me Scream

Photo from The Twisted Yarn

There is another
Wal-Mart a few blocks
from the computer
repair shop. I went
in for some things the
first store'd run out of.

On a display shelf
out in the main aisle,
yarn! Screaming red and
battleship gray yarn
deeply discounted:
90% off!

Staff said that Wal-Mart
had found that store brand
yarn didn't help when
prices inflated
so there would never
be any more of

this yarn, in screaming
colors or neutrals.
Nobody liked when
store brand yarn seemed to
be raising prices
on the cheap stand-by.

So home, with cleaning
fluid, some groceries,
and this red yarn that
screams from the basket,
Look at me! Knit me!
Make me a blanket

that will scream "Bedtime"
to boisterous tots,
shrieking beside the
more sedate gray one,
each trimmed with other,
matching dye lots!

This week's prompt at was "What makes you scream?" I've never been much of a screamer, though I can manage a loud rant or even a bellow. My voice does not reach that shrill pitch easily. And I wrote a loud rant last week; I owe you something that is fun, this week. So picture me knitting a one-piec, single-bed-or-couch-sized blanket that defines the phrase "screaming color." 


  1. As a knitter myself, I love what you did with the prompt word here. "Screaming red"is the only way to describe some red yarns. Good job because, yes, red screams!!

  2. I don't have as much as I used to but I see yarn and all these ideas come to me and I love to buy it. Now I have to really consider whether I have the time or it I can wait. I have been good at waiting.

  3. Lucky will be the one who gets the blanket. Red is, indeed, a screaming color, perfectly matched with a more subdued gray. :)

  4. I delight in this tale, and would have done just the same – except that I'm a crocheter rather than a knitter.

  5. A red and grey blanket sounds lovely!

  6. As a teenager, I had a jumper that screamed in mustard yellow. At least I think it was screaming. Passing pedestrians did, to be sure.

  7. Thank you, poets all!

