Thursday, September 19, 2024

Web Log for 9.18.24


I know what some people are going to say on opening this video of a first grade class at a private school. "They all look like cousins, and they're so pale!" Well, they are out in the Midwest where a lot of pale-colored German and Scandinavian people settled. And it does children this age no harm to be in classes with their cousins. In any case, though it's obvious that the little wiggleworms would rather be eating or playing and have been told they have to recite first, they're reciting the Preamble to the Constitution. Adorably. 

Children don't get that at public school. Most parents need to teach it at home. The Constitution was printed in older school history books and Scout manuals. It's probably been left out of newer versions to make room for more shiny color photos of "diverse" crowds of toothy faces, eww ick, so you might want to print copies off the Internet. Here is a nice-looking printable version, free of charge.


Last month, we saw that EPA can move and get poisons off the market when they want to. They need to keep moving. 

Real Estate 

A further thought about that pallid-looking first grade class above. Does everyone realize that there are whole towns in the Midwest where there might have been some ethnic diversity once, but today, all of the fifteen houses that are still occupied are occupied by White people? Really old White people? I blame glyphosate. While the cities on both coasts are overcrowded and the price of real estate in coastal States is obscene, lots of nice houses are sitting empty on cheap land in Kansas and Nebraska. I blame glyphosate for this. People felt better in the coastal cities so they stayed there. If we could get a good, tight ban on open-air spraying, people could feel good about working in the county hospital or the town library in Iowa again. Some e-friends have been sharing a lot of videos, like the one below, that seem to support the idea that there's all kinds of room for more babies in these United States. Refugees from urban blight can probably fill it why don't they?

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