Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Petfinder Post: Orange Tabbies

The last cat post considered gray tabbies. Orange cats are tabbies too...

 Zipcode 10101: Rowan N from the Bronx 

It's possible that this gorgeous fluffy mini-lion has fallen into the hands of control freaks, but consider their location. They need to be careful. What's unusual about Rowan is that. while the majority of orange tabby cats are male, Rowan is in the minority that are female. Orange female cats are normal and can have beautiful kittens (though Rowan won't be having kittens); they're just unusual because they had to inherit the gene for red hair on both sides. Rowan is described as a perfect pet who likes to do everything, even eat, with humans. If you're a normal human who likes to keep animals in a different room than food, Rowan might feel rejected. They offer a two-week trial and full refund if you don't agree that she's the perfect pet for you. She's young enough that it will be a long-term commitment.

Zipcode 20202: Fanta and Diet Coke from Falls Church 

The brothers like to play and snuggle together, and should be adopted together. They can be unnerved by nois, so they're recommended for calm families of adults and more mature children, no screaming. They're kittens--cute, friendly, adventurous. And neutered.

Zipcode 30303: Spice from Atlanta 

With his "medium" or "mixed" hair, light orange color, and faint, thin mackerel-tabby stripes that just show in a bright light, Spice looks a bit like our Diego, except Diego's underside and paws are white. I've noted a tendency for pale orange cats to be not very friendly at first, then when they decide to like a human to become super affectionate, even clingy. It's almost as if they're wary because, when they do bond, it;s true love for life. Spice has shown himself to be this type in foster care. He may need some time to recover from losing his foster home. The shelter staff will insist that you adopt him with another kitten unless you already live with a kitten about his age, but even while enjoying the company of another cat he may be the type to insist that each cat have a lap of its own. If you want a cat who will seldom ignore you and usually lap up attention and affection, Spice may be "100% sweet" for you.

Bonus: Zipcode 37660: Peanut from Kingsport 

I received a wonderful story about a Hawkins County shelter pet, forthcoming next week, so I thought about checking the Hawkins County shelter page. They don't have a lot of cats, I was glad to see. They do have one orange cat they've been calling Peanut. Because of the orange-tinted marshmallow candies that are still sold, here and there, as "circus peanuts," or because he's staying in his shell? Peanut has been hurt and is described as needing a quiet place where he can recover. He may become more bold and active later on. 

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