Sunday, September 22, 2024

Web Log for 9.20-21.24


Spanish, sung by people whose first language is English.

News, Not Good

Another kind of story the "Trusted News Initiative" papers fail to report. Because it's been reported from one politically polarized side and no others, there's no way to know how accurate the facts are.

Not News, Not Good

From Children's Health Defense:

CHD is at the forefront of fighting against the uncontrolled rollout of wireless technology, particularly 5G. Why? Well, there are quite a few things you should know.

  • 5G IS THE BASIS FOR DIGITAL IDs. 5G supports biometric IDs, which are the basis for vaccine passports, social credit scores, 15 minute cities and other tools of suppression and control.

  • 5G ENABLES NEXT-GENERATION SURVEILLANCE. Smart cities will use 5G and other wireless technologies to monitor us 24/7.

  • 5G PAVES THE WAY FOR TRANSHUMANISM. 5G enables integration of virtual and augmented reality, and the Internet of Bodies, connecting sensors inside us to the internet.

  • 5G LEADS TO AN EXPLOSION OF CELL TOWERS THAT TRACK AND TRACE WITH GREATER ACCURACY. 5G networks require numerous cell towers, allowing providers to pinpoint your location with unprecedented accuracy.

  • 5G COLLECTS MORE INTIMATE DATA ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. The Internet of Things (IoT), powered by 5G, means more devices in your life continuously collecting data.

Is 5G really an opportunity for transformation, or the building blocks of a digital prison? You decide.


News, Silly 

Candidate Kennedy failed to block text messages from an admirer who sent him nude pictures of herself. This is news in exactly one way: We can judge how trashy newspapers are by whether they dismiss this non-incident or call it "the affair." No links. This story deserves no links. Better the papers should swarm over Mean Girl McTackypants' blocking legitimate messages from what could have been supporters. You might say, "Well, Pris, a lot of people might have frosted you, having only hundreds rather than tens of thousands of daily page views as you do," but hello, Mean Girl snubbed Kennedy


Here is a politician who says he hates memes. Wouldn't it be sad if this photo generated enough memes that he just resigned and went off to teach math or something, somewhere very far away from California? 

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