Thursday, September 12, 2024

Book Review for 9.11.24: Murder and Cappuccino

Title: Murder and Cappuccino

Author: Catharine Coles

Date: 2022

ISBN: 9781915126238

Quote: "There's a man dead on my doorstep. He's been murdered."

It's becoming a subgenre, the cozy mystery in which the body is found on the doorstep of a brand-new bakery the heroine has just taken over. In this case "cozy" doesn't mean free from nasty gossip about spouse-swapping; neighbors divorce their original wives or husbands and take up with one another at an alarming rate in this English village. The narrator, however, is happy with one husband, who is good for moral support while she trots around the village interviewing neighbors and trying to work out, before she's physically thrown out of their front yards, which one killed the rival cafe owner, whom nobody liked but nobody wanted to kill, except...that'd be telling.

I don't know. I don't hang out with flagrant adulterers, or read about them, enough to know how they think.

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