Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Link Log for 9.8.24


Oh. Dear. Gentle Readers, it seems that at some web sites separating words by periods is being used to communicate "I'm speaking slowly so your slow brain can follow this." 

I think it should be obvious that that's not the way I use either extra periods or more drawn-out words. I use them for emphasis. "Any thing" is normally, in my experience, the way we write the phrase when "any" is spoken more loudly; "aaaany thing" is the way we write it when "any" is spoken more slowly, for emphasis. Contrastive stress can make the emphasis on "any" offensive or not, depending on the rest of the sentence. "I didn't find aaaanything" means I looked and looked. "You didn't do anything right!" means your work is going to take more time to clean up than was saved by hiring you to do it, and your wet street shoes are dripping on the office floor, too. But drawing out words or sentences is not something I usually do with the intention, or the nonverbal communication, of saying that the audience are stupid. Some older Southern Ladies hear slower-speech-for-emphasis as less offensive than louder-speech-for-emphasis. 


Tom DeWeese reviews Hernando de Soto's suggestion that the secret to North American wealth is the simplicity of recording property titles and transfers:

Food (Yuck) 

Why US wheat won't be safe even for gluten-tolerant people to eat, probably for a long time...

Politics (Election 2024) 

'Zup with Candidate Vance here? He goes into Valdosta, Georgia, home of an historic doughnut shop, and he's trying to get the counter workers into their tourist routine about how this is (or isn't) the ORIGINAL Krispy Kreme shop. They are unresponsive. Awkward. Probably hostile, although they're young enough to be read as awkward kids. And Vance...let's just say he does not know how to win them over. He seems as awkward as they are! 

The good news is that nobody expects him to be presidential for at least four years. Despite his having written a book people have actually liked, which is usually a field mark for an introvert, I suspect he's a shy extrovert. A candidate who actually had a conscience and character would be a wonderful change, but be still my heart, Dr. Carson already conceded to the Orange One, Secretary Rice already refused to run, and President Carter really is past consideration.. Candidate Vance just comes across as...if Al Gore was "wooden," J.D. Vance is petrified wood.

Not that that's a valid reason to vote for Tackypants. She's not very presidential either. Talk about awkward--she totters and stumbles and grabs at other people's husbands. Nor, despite his very basic photo-op-at-a-fast-food-shop skills being better than Vance shows in this video, is Walz presidential. Even if your vote is based on who looks more presidential...Trump's had time to practice. Kennedy inherited charisma and earned the right to use it. Both seem far more presidential than either of the Ds.

Politics in Food 

Penzey's spices aren't sold in the stores I frequent, but I've seen them recommended. Now I don't care how highly recommended they are. And I'm not a Republican. This post is just so full of outright lies

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