Thursday, September 12, 2024

Link Log for 9.10-11.24


Fans of James Earl Jones have posted clips of his memorable voice. Of two memorial posts I made time to open, this one has the most and best clips.

Politics (Election 2024) 

Who could possibly support Mean Girl O'Dowdypants? Greedhead corporations, that's who. Why would they support her? Because she supports censorship! Because she'll help them prevent competition, prevent market corrections from working...when corporations get big enough, they have an inherent tendency toward fascism. 

Technology in Education 

Make it a requirement again. Google now weasels away from even telling you that it's suppressing 90% of the results for every search. Depending on the topic this may or may not obviously have either commercial or political benefits; its more of a "We'll decide what we want the general public to know and make sure they don't learn things beyond the high school level, without paying tuition to some university, or connect with friends, at least on our site!" Distract and divide, as in The Agency DDD Inc. Teachers need to be preparing lessons about how this kind of corporate greedhead approach to information is contrary to the spirit of scientific progress and academic freedom, and require students to search the wider world of real printed books and appropriate professional journals without relying on Big Corrupt Tech. (Bing is worse than Google. Yahoo is a little broader in what it allows users to find, but not a lot. The other search engines that promise they don't "filter" or censor links aren't lying about that...they just search Bing, Google, and/or Yahoo so their results are pre-censored. We need a search engine that is unbiased and uncensored, but we don't have one.

(Meme from Messy Mimi. I miss the days when Google Lens would just tell you at least on which social media site a meme first appeared.)

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